2009年8月31日 星期一



2008 International award winning and honorable art recognitions - Professor Lee, Sun-Don's Totemic Energy Oil Painting works will be exhibited at following 2 galleries in September 2009.

B1, No.207, Dunhua N. Rd., Taipei 105, Taiwan

影響力畫廊 X-Power Gallery
1F., No.98, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd.,Da-an Dist., Taipei

2009年8月21日 星期五

【八八水災】慈善賑災- 李善單 圖騰能量油畫展

(轉載)【88水災】慈善賑災-上海當代&上海藝博會-李善單 圖騰能量油畫展

Shanghai 9/10~9/13 - The Asia Pacific Contemporary Art Expo
Shanghai 9/09~9/13 - Shanghai Art Fair

上海當代藝術博覽會Shanghai 2009-9-10 ~ 9-13
The Asia Pacific Contemporary Art Expo
Shanghai Exhibition Center
展位Booth: E01-03

上海藝術博覽會Shanghai 2009-9-09 ~ 9-13
Shanghai Art Fair
Shanghai MART
Booth: C91-C92



[轉貼中央日報網路報 蔡清欽/報導]





賑災義展捐畫義賣 藝文界動起來


莫拉克颱風造成的滿目瘡痍,對照畫家筆下美麗的情境,真是讓人倍感心痛,為了讓災民儘快重建家園,高高屏藝文界發起賑災義展活動,連結了上百位藝術家的關懷,將愛送到災區。鄉土畫家 曾文忠:「藝術家就會畫圖,來捐畫來義賣,賣的錢全都捐出去,做賑災的活動。」

這次的賑災,每位藝術家,只需捐贈一幅作品義賣,不過鄉土畫家曾文忠表示,要無限量提供畫作,因為這些災區,是他經常去取景作畫的地方,看到美麗的景象變成如此殘破,內心更加悲痛不已。鄉土畫家 曾文忠:「這些災區全部從前我常去畫圖,感覺很傷痛的感情,所以我盡我的力量。」

【新浪新聞 文章作者:陳文霖/高雄】

2009年8月11日 星期二

圖騰能量油畫新作展出Prof. Lee’s New Works

Professor Lee, Sun-Don’s Totemic energy oil painting new works are exhibited at X-Power Gallery, Taipei ~

From August 16 - series of "The Gate of Life" and "The Utmost"
From August 11 - series of “The Door of Life” (or The Gate of Life)

It’s really amazing to Prof. Lee’s creative ability. The new series of works are created and exhibited in a short period.

Place: X-Power Gallery at Tunhua N.Road, Taipei
Time: 11:00~22:00 (Thursday~ 18:00, Sunday~20:00)
Phone: 886-2-7706-8868

8月11日起 ─ 李善單教授.圖騰能量油畫~“生命之門”新作展出


李善單教授參加第53屆威尼斯雙年展備受推崇,一義大利畫廊Galleria d'Arte III Millennio在其網站上標題"Time's equal Sign" 對李教授歷來創作有諸多著墨報導: http://www.galleriaterzomillennio.it/personali/timesign/timesign-en.html

營業時間:11:00~22:00(週四~18:00 週日~20:00)
http://arts.sundon.net (有興趣可上網瀏覽)

The web picture adopted from http://www.galleriaterzomillennio.it/personali/timesign/timesign-en.html

北京藝博會&上海當代藝博會&上海藝博會&韓國藝博會 Art Fairs in China & Korea

李善單 圖騰能量油畫展
Lee Sun-Don Totemic Energy Oil Painting Exhibition

There are many excellent artists from many countries in the world gathered in these 4 Expo, including Professor Lee, Sun-Don who has new works of Totemic energy oil painting being exhibited.

Beijing 8/27~8/31 - 12th Beijing International Art Exposition
Shanghai 9/10~9/13 - The Asia Pacific Contemporary Art Expo
Shanghai 9/09~9/13 - Shanghai Art Fair
Korea 9/18~9/22 - Korea International Art Fair (KIAF)

第12屆北京國際藝術博覽會Beijing 2009-8-27 ~ 8-31

展位: 35
12th Beijing International Art Exposition
China World Trade Center - Exhibition Hall
Booth: 35

上海當代藝術博覽會Shanghai 2009-9-10 ~ 9-13

The Asia Pacific Contempor Art Exposition
Shanghai Exhibition Center
Booth: E01-03

上海藝術博覽會Shanghai 2009-9-9 ~ 9-13

展位: C91-C92
Shanghai Art Fair
Shanghai MART
Booth: C91-C92

韓國藝搏會(KIAF) Korea 2009-9-18~9/22

漢城 貿易商城3樓
Korea International Art Fair (KIAF)
Coex 3F
(World Trade Center, Seoul, Korea)
Booth: D43

2009年8月10日 星期一

賞畫記-李善單教授新作品Enjoyed Prof. Lee's New Works

I went to Frontier Art • X-Power Gallery after work in an evening. There were a lot of art fans enjoying Professor Lee, Sun-Don’s new works. I had ever come there to see Prof. Lee’s works before, and I had gone to Taipei Show Hall 2 to watch Prof. Lee’s expo of Totemic energy oil Painting and status a week ago. I’m wondering how he could have so many creative ideas in his brain. So many series of works with different topics, and so many pieces of works with unfathomable、full of Zen. Some works make you feel happy, relax and harmonized.

I like beautiful things. it gave me a lot of pressure to be asked whether you knew what you saw. But it changed after I listened to Professor Han, Bao-De’s lecture about “To feel the beauty”. “To talk about Aesthetics” is too serious and too deep to understand for most people. But everyone has own talent to feel the beauty. Just to feel what you feel. Don’t care if you could understand or not.

Prof. Lee’s new series of works – "Utmost" are exhibited from July 27, 2009. Seems he only used 2 colors of oil to paint with heavy and light, different layer….You could see 2 big oil painting works whenever you entered the gallery, and you could have different feeling when you stand close to or far from the painting. I felt that there were a lot of Buddha figures inside of it (of course the painting gave me a lot of imagination). It’s the pleasure and comfortable thing to enjoy the arts with imagination. Every work has it’s unique attracting. You could ask the gallery employee to give you some introduction about the work, if you like. They are happy to explain how/what the work is created by the artist.

Gazed to the work……at that moment, I found my heart went with the painting brush of “Flying Heart” to ride the rainbow flying in the galaxy, universe………….


喜歡美的東西,以前看畫展有壓力,怕被問:看懂嗎? 自從聽了漢寶德教授「談美感」後,就可以很輕鬆的看藝術展;因「美學」不管是學術還是學習,都太嚴肅,而「美感」則是每個人天生都有對「美」的感受、感覺,不需要學習,直接去感受,沒有所謂懂不懂。李教授這次7/27開始展出的新作系列-極限層,看起來似乎只有二種顏色的油彩以深淺、層次及筆法去呈現。一進門映入眼中兩幅巨畫,遠看近看讓人有不同的感受。右邊那一幅,走遠一點靜下心來看,似乎隱約見到了隱藏其中多尊菩薩相、菩薩講法….(加上想像力)。加上想像力,這也是欣賞畫的樂趣與自在吧! 其他畫作務庸置疑,每一幅畫都有其特色,觀者可自己體會。不過,如果請畫廊的服務人員介紹,她們有空也會不厭其煩的說明所知的創作緣起。
