台灣藝術祭 李善單教授的圖騰能量藝術創作
Revolution Art 2009 Taipei - Prof.Lee's Totemic Energy Art
There is no need to emphasize how wonderful the Prof. Lee, Sun-Don’s works are. Obviously they are attracting to some art collectors because the red color labels are attached besides of Prof. Lee’s some works, especially the serial works of Supreme Huayan. The serial works of Supreme Huayan are painted by 2 colors – black and white, but seems with the transformation of universal energy and the spirit of Zen in his works. Those labeled works were collected by those smart art collectors who know what’s what.
(you can visit for more information about Prof. Lee's works.)
Some works are very interesting like the cartoon. Simple drawing 1 or 2 cute birds and 1 bat standing on a tree – like “Watch out for your weight”. Some young visitors seem are very interested in those cartoon style works. They stand in front of the works for a long while and happily discussed what they saw – the cute birds, the hanging bat, etc. They felt it’s amazing. How the oil painting works could be so interesting & relaxed like that.
I didn’t have chance to go to Italy for sightseeing and taking part in the expo of Venice Biennial 2009, but fortunately I could have the chance to visit the expo of Revolution Art 2009 in Taipei to enjoy Prof. Lee's Totemic energy works and other artist's works. It’s appreciated to the host, Art Development and Exchange Association of Taiwan who allowed all visitors to freely visit the expo in last 2 days.
無法親臨義大利去欣賞威尼斯雙年展(Venice Biennale 2009),只能由網站或部落格欣賞相關報導李善單教授的圖騰能量油畫,或偶至寶勝畫廊去看現場連線即席作畫盛況。在這次Revolution Art 2009 Taipei台灣藝術祭中,讓我們彌補遺憾。顯然李教授的圖騰能量油畫又大受歡迎獲收藏家青睞;因為有好幾幅畫,尤其是上品華嚴系列,以黑白兩色油彩作畫,呈現氣勢磅薄富禪意的大作,都已標上了紅標籤,顯然有眼光的收藏家已當仁不讓。