2010年8月18日 星期三

Revolution Art 2010 Taipei 改革藝術祭

世貿二館今天開始有藝術展覽- Revolution Art 2010 Taipei改革藝術祭,可以免費入場參觀,而且展出到晚上9點多,下班後去欣賞還來得及。
Taipei World Trade Center Hall 2 started to have an art expo - Revolution Art 2010 Taipei today. It’s free admission visit and displays in evening. We can have enough time to visit the art expo after getting off work. This art expo is jointly sponsors by four famous galleries. It’s a good chance to enjoy the arts from 4 galleries. Taipei World Trade Center Hall 2 is near to 101. I could go to see the expo after enjoying the dinner there.
The art expo will display up to 8/22 (Sunday) from 12:00 noon to 21:30 everyday. Don’t miss the good opportunity if you like arts.


這是環保塑材創作的藝術品 - 上千個空可樂罐創作的,很有創意吧! 也提醒我們要愛護地球做環保!這是李善單教授的環保新創作。

